About us


Carlos Gaytan...the Owner

Ibogaine plant medicine can set you free. We know that addiction is hard and has many negative consequences on your life, including affecting your: relationships, employment, health, and even causing you to lose your life.

But what if all that could be reversed? What if you could lead a healthy and happy life again - laughing with your loved ones, going to work everyday, having financial stability and amazing health? You can! ibogaine HCL & TA works.

Carlos Gaytan...the Owner

Ibogaine Rapid Detox

Who We Are?

We can help you with specialized rehab - so that you can get your life back on track.

At Ibogaine Detox Rehab, an Ibogaine facility, you can holistically overcome your addiction with support from an outstanding team of addiction specialists. We will provide you with personalized guidance for an Ibogaine treatment in Mexico and help you overcome your addiction without any withdrawal symptoms. Research has also discovered that ibogaine can provide freedom from mental health problems such as: depression, anxiety and eating disorders as it rewires the mind and body's neuro-circuitry routes, thus "resetting" the body's habituated state.

Breaking Chains with Ibogaine

A Revolutionary Approach to Addiction


Heroin Addiction

If you’re looking for a heroin addiction treatment center, you’ve come to the right place. Heroin abuse is a very common type of drug abuse and if you or someone you know is suffering from such an addiction, we can help you get your life back on track with our quick and highly effective treatment.

Opiate Detox

Opiates are among the most addictive substances with millions of prescriptions written every year. People develop an addiction just on their prescribed dosage and this starts developing into a dangerous habit.

Depression & Trauma

Because Ibogaine rewires patterns of the brain and the nervous system (CNS, PNS, ENS, ANS: Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Enteric Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System), and gives the overall nervous system a “shock,” it allows for the mind and body to interpret and respond differently to internal and external stimuli.


Ibogaine is known as an “Addiction Interrupter.” It shocks the nervous system. As mentioned above, it gives the hallucinogenic ability to view yourself with respect to you and your drug use differently.  It gives the hallucinogenic ability to view relationships differently and sometimes changes perspectives on past events.


Ibogaine is amazing for Psychospirutual expansion purposes as well for those who are feeling stuck in life and/or want to find out answers to unresolved questions, possibly connect with those on the other side, get closure to events that have happened in the past and create the path you want Ibogaine to show you for your future.

Ibogaine & Microdosing

Ibogaine and microdosing is becoming more and more popular as some people do not want to experience the psychedelic effects of Ibogaine, nor the intensity of a Flood Dose experience.  A Microdosing Program is a 21 Day Plan with 5 days at our facility including arrival and departure.
 Ibogaine Rapid Detox Heroin Addiction Opiate Detox Depression & Trauma Alcoholism Psycho-Spiritual Ibogaine & Microdosing Ibogaine Rapid Detox Heroin Addiction Opiate Detox Depression & Trauma Alcoholism Psycho-Spiritual Ibogaine & Microdosing

What is Ibogaine?

Ibogaine is a powerful psychedelic medicine sourced from the iboga shrub. When used in calculated doses, it changes the brain's chemistry and a person's awareness of experiences, thus allowing him/her to "see" significant events in his life differently from before. Ibogaine invites the individual to be shown different perspectives and emotional reactions to situations which have transpired in the past, resulting in the ability to see current situations differently, thus allowing for changes in ways of: internal thinking, speaking, emotionally responding and behaving. Ibogaine isn't just about eliminating withdrawals, it is the transformational beginning of a mental and somatic shift of self with respect to other.

Ibogaine helps patients to overcome addiction in a span of hours - and the malleable psychedelic component of ibogaine allows the mind and body's transformational effects to to last a lifetime. An ibogaine experience gives individuals enough time to reevaluate their habits and change their behaviors without facing any withdrawal symptoms as a result of the transformational shifts that result from use of this plant medicine. Due to the serious problem of drug overdosing (which can also lead to death), Ibogaine is the perfect pain-free innovative solution that the world needs right now. This almost-magical psychedelic also helps in treating mental health problems such as ptsd depression and anxiety.

What is the history of Ibogaine?

This powerful drug originates from a shrub called tabernanthe, found in Africa. Since before the 1800s, members of the Bwiti religion in Gabon used to eat iboga bark shavings. This was especially common in initiation and coming-of-age ceremonies. Consumers used to get visions of their ancestors and even God. The rest of the world has been exposed to this ingredient from the iboga tree in the form of Ibogaine - a compound that is taken from the iboga bark and packed into a pill.

You cannot get ibogaine in the United States, as the plant medicine it is not permitted, our facility is only 20 minutes from the California border. With our highly trained staff, and rehab experts, we want you to be able to live the life you deserve. You could be treated within hours! ...And home in days.


The Facility


What our Clients Say

Natalie Wilkinson
Natalie Wilkinson
great service!!! everyone was so nice and helpful!
Truly amazing care and loving professionals, definitely recommend.

3 Phases of Ibogaine

The first phase typically lasts one hour in duration. The visual and physical perception of the body changes.Some patients experience difficulty with coordination so it is important to be in a comfortable environment laying in a supine position.

Waking Dream State” – Individuals experience hallucinations, emotional changes, different sensations with respect to perception of their own body. They develop a unique relationship with time and space. Patients often feel earth’s gravity and this is the phase where they often experience difficulties when trying to move.

The hallucinations typically include scenes such as: hearing the beat of drums, a somatiac and auditory sensation of “scrubbing” of the body. They may invite into the psyche visualizations of TV screens, animals, people who have passed away (and there is often a communication that is experienced and a message either to be given or received). Some people feel like they are flying or swimming in oceans. They may experience themselves in cities or forests. They may also experience internal awareness of traveling through their own brain, DNA and body. Individuals often see visualisations with intensive colors.

With pre-therapeutic counseling guidance, an individual will be completely equipped to control the hallucinagenic places in which he/she travels as he will be equipped with therapeutic tools to “change the channel” of the hallucination if it arrives at an undesired station. Ibogaine is a very malleable plant medicine, unlike LSD which can really take a person on a “hijacked ride.” Memories from early childhood may be revisited. Meaning of life is often explored as is the creation of humanity and it’s existence throughout times. Other dimensions are travelled to during this phase. Other universes may be invited in with very different ways of viewing reality. This phase usually lasts 3-5 hours.

Cognitive Phase of Deep Introspection” – This phase typically lasts anywhere from 8 – 14 hours after taking an ibogaine flood dose. The body remains asleep, yet the spirit is fully awake. Individuals usually intellectually evaluate earlier experiences in life and various decisions or choices made. For example, memories may come up where at the time, the individual felt s/he only had one option, yet during this phase, it is not uncommon for reflection to occur where many other options open up with respect to certain life events. People may piece various aspects of their live’s and experiences together, resulting in a new awareness of reality and a shift in perception with respect to self vs. other. To follow the ending of the third phase, patients usually sleep for hours.

Ibogaine helps stop the use of Heroin Fentanyl Meth Morphine Cocaine Crack Alcohol Benzodiazepines, War Veterans we value your work. Call from the U.S.A. at: